What To See?
If you are interested in history and culture, visit the museums and collections in Saldus municipality!
Memorial Site “Airītes” and Museum of Colonel Oskars Kalpaks
A memorial site and a museum were established at the place of death of the commander of the first Latvian Independent Battalion, Colonel Oskars Kalpaks and three other officers. Everyone is welcome to visit the beautiful museum building, the contemporary and elaborate exposition, as well as the memorial site and the small park near the museum.
The museum’s new exhibit is more comprehensive than before and uses new technologies. One part of the exposition is dedicated to the freedom fights and the O. Kalpaks’ Battalion, the second part deals with Oskars Kalpaks’ progress during World War I, while the third part of the exposition shows the testimony of Oskars Kalpaks’ childhood and youth.
There is an audio guide available in three languages – Latvian, German and English. Group tours must be pre-booked by calling +371 22017465.
The museum has a campfire site, a small park and a rope track. By arrangement, groups are also offered the opportunity to bake pancakes and traditional tarts called “sklandrauši”.

Saldus Janis Rozentāls’ Museum of History and Art
Janis Rozentāls – one of the first Latvian professional painters – was born on March 18, 1866 in „Bebri” homestead, Saldus parish. His native land encouraged him to travel further roads to Riga and St.Petersburg. J. Rozentāls came back to Saldus in 1899 as a well-known artist, bought a plot of land at 22 Striku Street and built a studio. The museum was established here after the World War II in 1947. Originals collected by Rozentāls` friend Marts Vējš were the basis for the collection of the museum.
Today the museum consists of several buildings which house the collection of the museum as well as exhibit and history halls. J. Rozentāls’ studio houses a biographical exposition about the famous Saldus resident as well as his early original paintings.
Consultation with museum specialists, by prior arrangement:
- art collections repository; phone +371 28335403;
- Saldus local artists; phone +371 26188695;
- the history of Saldus Municipality; phone +371 27881091;
- art theory, history, art perception, art language elements and their acquisition; phone +371 28302461;
- items in the museum’s collection; phone +371 28335403.

Ezere Local History Repository “Customs House” (“Muitas nams”)
Ezere local history repository “Muitas Nams” (“Customs House”) is located in a historically significant building where on May 8, 1945, the capitulation act of Nazi German army units encircled in “Courland pocket” was signed. It is believed that World War II in fact ended in Ezere. The exhibition of the repository covers the history of Ezere parish from the ancient times to the present day. There is also a new, interactive exhibition “The End of War in Courland”, which depicts the symbol of the end of World War II – the surrender of Courland.

Collection of Historic Vehicles
A remarkable collection of historic vehicles can be viewed in Zvārde parish. The collection has been created by enthusiast Jānis Dobelis and includes cars, trucks and also motorcycles.

“Airīte” Railway Station
The station building is a state protected cultural heritage monument. It was built in 1935 as one of the stations of the Glūda-Liepāja railway. It served as a large transit centre, but over time, its significance diminished, and since 2001 the railway communication has been terminated. Nowadays, the station is open to visitors. There is a comprehensive exposition dedicated to railway history in Kurzeme. The owner Pēteris Stumburs will share captivating stories about the history of the station and the exposition. Accommodation is available.

Cinema & Photography Exposition
Andris Bušinskis, an enthusiast of cinema and photography history, has created a remarkable exposition of cinematography and photography equipment, which tells about their development since the beginning. The collection is displayed in a specially for this purpose built honeycomb-shaped log building. The host also offers tours on the farm and the possibility to see ostriches and pheasants.

Nīgrande Manor Granary
The manor granary houses a collection of local history materials. Part of the exposition is dedicated to the life and works of Latvian writer Jēkabs Janševskis. There is also an exposition on the traditional manor life and manor interior. A separate exposition is dedicated to the Soviet period. A replica of a mammoth tusk found in Nīgrande parish can also be viewed here.

Collection of Hunting Trophies
Visitors can see an impressive collection of hunting trophies, displayed in a specially built log house. The exhibition was created by Raimo Jansons, a passionate hunter.

Vadakste Parish Antiquities Exhibition
Vadakste manor houses the local history collection of Vadakste parish. Local antiquities, items from the Soviet time, as well as historical records of the parish and the local school are displayed in four rooms. Visits must be booked in advance.

Gaiķi Local History Repository
Gaiķi local history repository contains information on the history of Gaiķi parish – history materials about local farmsteads, school and people, items from various times, photographs and other historical records.

Local History Exhibition of Saldus Parish
This exhibition was created in 2003 in collaboration with Druva Secondary school. It includes information on the history of Saldus parish, antiquities and a permanent painting exhibition – a gift from local artists.